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Your Needs


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are within 10 years of retirement or recently retired.

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want a retirement plan that insulates your nest egg from market draw downs.

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have neither the time nor mental energy to properly manage your increasingly-complex finances; your career and/or family fully consume those scarce resources.

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are generally skeptical of the financial services industry and (rightfully) believe that the majority of financial products and services are a rip-off.

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would be eager to outsource your portfolio management, financial planning, and tax needs to a trusted expert but have never met an advisor or firm worthy of the role.

You are seeking an advisor who...

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develops a holistic plan that integrates your income, expenses, assets, liabilities, insurance coverage, benefits, pensions, estate planning, tax strategy, and unique goals.

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understands the nuances of your pre-retirement and retirement situation deeply enough create a sustainable retirement income for life while keeping taxes low.

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invests in a diversified, low-cost, tax efficient manner.

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proactively prioritizes your financial action items in an effort to relieve you of that mental burden.

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fiercely protects your time.

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